An eye for detail!

Pickwick recently updated its corporate brochure which can be found on this website. Although the layout and photos had not substantially changed, a number of improvements were made to the content to update and keep the brochure fresh. Pickwick CEO Ken Holder decided to have a bit of fun and offer prizes to staff that identified the most number of changes between the old and new versions. It had the added bonus of picking-up any mistakes as part of the proof editing process before going to print and the final version being uploaded.

First equal prize went to Diane Li (Contracts Administrator) and Vicky Li (Tender Writer) both from our Victoria office. Just for the record Diane and Vicky are not related so there was no collusion! Highly commended prizes went to Jacob Carroll (Administration Assistant) in Queensland and Peta Phillips (Operations Coordinator) from Western Australia. Congratulations to you all, and thank you for taking part.