Pickwick’s emphasis on Staff Training

Pickwick places a high degree of importance on staff training and not just for our cleaning and security workforce. During August all senior and operations management from around the country attended training on the all-important subject of Understanding Workplace Discrimination, Harassment and Bullying. The workshop run by one of our clients Livingstones Australia who specialise in HR, Employment & Industrial Relations focused on the laws to prevent workplace and harassment, and provided managers with practical examples and exercises to understand how to identify inappropriate behaviour and their responsibility and actions for preventing it.

The feedback from all who attended was positive and though the subject was a serious one, the atmosphere was fun and positive. Above are some of our management team at the training held at our new company offices in Melbourne.

Karen’s 32 years of dedicated service to Gippsland Water

One of our Victorian clients Gippsland Water had a bit of fun recently when one of our staff celebrated 32 years of service. Karen Malley started cleaning the offices at what used to be the Latrobe Valley Water and Sewerage Board back in March 1982. Here in the reversal of roles Gippsland Water’s Managing Director David Mawer is shown with a feather duster while Karen enjoys sitting back and relaxing. We are pretty sure David seldom ever puts his feet up but great to see he entered into the spirit of the occasion.

Asked what the secret is to being a good cleaner Karen replied, “Keeping an eye open. Spotting the areas that are looking a bit grubby and giving them an extra bit of attention is the key”.

Congratulations Karen, we hope you make that 40 years milestone we know you’re aiming for too.